The Recovering Non-Alcoholic

Random musings, fun facts and innuendo galore!

Monday, May 29, 2006

It's A Boy! But We Kinda Expected That...

Congratulations to my cousin Manda and her husband Travis! They welcomed their first child, Jack Robert, to the world at 5:45 am Saturday morning. Young Mr. Gentry weighs in at 6 lbs 6 oz and measures 19 inches in length. Here's a portrait of the new family, courtesy of Jack's Aunt Jessie:

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Friday, May 26, 2006

Keep It In Your Mouth - Or At Least In the Dugout

An open letter to all professional baseball players:

Please refrain from spitting during the singing/playing/recording of the national anthem! Or anthems, if you're at the Rogers Centre or the Toronto BlueJays are playing you at your home field.

If you can't chew gum or tobacco without spitting, keep it in your pocket until the pretty song is over. And sorry, I don't care how dry your mouth gets on the field. Swallow, damn it!


Phrase I Can't Get Enough Of

"Due to time constraints, we move further ahead in the action. Enjoy the rest of the game."

Thank you, John Saunders of ESPN fame. Sometimes I wish I could replay a late-night condensed version of my life, skipping the more mundane parts and focusing on the important stuff, good and bad. Especially late at night when I can't sleep. That's when I keep ESPN on so I can pretend Rich is with me without having to deal with his snoring. Or his farting. Or his inability to keep his legs on his own side of the bed, so I end up curled in the fetal position near my pillows until I get annoyed off and kick him back over to his own side, often waking him in the process.

I do love my man. And I love my life. It's just frustratingly slow sometimes. Which is no one's fault but my own. Which is what makes it even more frustrating! Arrrrgh!

I'm hungry. Must eat some Cheerios.
