The Recovering Non-Alcoholic

Random musings, fun facts and innuendo galore!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

6 Random Facts

I've been tagged by my cousin Paige to list 6 random things about myself in my blog and then choose 6 more people to tag to do the same thing.

1.) I love olive oil but don't like olives

2.) During my junior year of high school I was an award-winning Academic Decathlete. Specifically I won a gold medal in fine arts, a bronze medal for an essay I wrote, and an honorable mention in social sciences.

3.) I was born with dark brown hair. It turned white-blond when I was a little girl, then gradually darkened to its current medium-darkish brown shade.

4.) I wear a lot of toe socks.

5.) I've met and shaken hands with Senators Kennedy, Kerry and Clinton (when she was First Lady).

6.) In third grade I took baton lessons, and I still remember two twirling tricks.

So, now that I have completed this post, I get to tag someone else. Here are the rules:
1--If you are tagged, you have to post six things about yourself on your site.
2--Then you should leave a comment on my site to let me know that you have posted.
3--You can then tag at least 6 more people. To tag, just leave them a comment to let them know they are IT!

Six people that I choose:

1.) Robyn
2.) Chuck
3.) Melissa
4.) Denise
5.) Cheryl
6.) Justin



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