The Recovering Non-Alcoholic

Random musings, fun facts and innuendo galore!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Reason Insurance Rates Are So High In This City

Apparently in downtown Lynn, if you see a red light, a walk signal, and a pedestrian in the crosswalk, you don't stop. Instead you STEP ON IT hard enough for said pedestrian to hear a loud SQUEEEEAAAAKKKK!!!! as you accelerate through said crosswalk.

She missed me by about a foot. Work on your aim, bitch!

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  • At 12:42 AM, Blogger Sonia said…

    LOL! You're funny. I'm definitely bookmarking this blog.



  • At 12:01 PM, Blogger Amanda said…

    When I lived in Brookline, there was this one intersection I had to cross on the way home every day. I'm not sure if the timing on the lights was off or WHAT, but every single time I got that "WALK" signal, I had to avoid not one but several cars that came barrelling through.
    After awhile, I started toting along projectiles to throw at them. I recommend potatoes. Not to heavy and make a nice, satisfying, -THUD- when flung at the windshields of oncoming cars or the doors of near-misses. :)

  • At 4:42 PM, Blogger soothedbyrainfall said…

    I too have noticed that being a pedestrian in a crosswalk, even being a pedestrian WITH A FRICKIN BABY CARRIAGE in a crosswalk, seems to mean "don't mind l'il ol' me (and MY FRICKIN BABY), drive right on through!"


  • At 5:05 PM, Blogger Chloe said…

    Love the potato idea, I may take that up! Or perhaps a BB gun to shoot out the tires of drivers who refuse to stop for us?

    Though in this part of town I'm likely to piss off a driver with no license and multiple outstanding warrants driving an unregistered, uninsured stolen vehicle while drunk, stoned, and/or high on crack. The mind boggles...


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